WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS LOCAL OUTDOOR ACCESS FORUM 6 September 2005 AGENDA CAIRNGORMS LOCAL OUTDOOR ACCESS FORUM Tuesday 6 September 2005 the Albert Hall, Ballater 18:00 for buffet 18:30 commencement of meeting AGENDA Item 1. Welcome 2. Apologies 3. Minutes of last meeting - approval Draft Minutes 4. Matters arising from the Previous Meeting not otherwise appearing on Agenda 5. Approval of Communications Plan Fran Pothecary Paper 1 6. Election of convenor – Fran Pothecary • Approval of process - Paper 2 • Timing of election - For Discussion 7. CNPA Strategic plans • National Park Plan - update Murray Ferguson - Paper 3 • Outdoor Access Strategy – update Bob Grant - Paper 4 • Core Path Planning pilots – update Sandra Middleton/ Dick Balharry - Verbal brief 8. Access Issues • Rothiemurchus - access to Loch an Eilean Fran Pothecary- background briefing and proposed action - Paper 5 • Glen Clunie, Invercauld – roadside camping Pete Crane – background briefing and the way forward - Paper 6 • Developing a mass events policy Pete Crane – background briefing - Verbal brief • Overview of other access issues Fran Pothecary – background briefing - Verbal brief 9. Representation from Cairngorms LOAF at joint National Access Forum and Local Access Forum seminar – September 21 - For Discussion 10. AOB 11. Date of Next Meeting A light buffet supper will be available at 18:00 before the meeting commences at 18:30. The meeting is expected to close no later than 2030 hours